
ArchIdea je celosvetové periodikum určené nielen architektom, vydávané v pravidelných intervaloch viackrát ročne v angličtine. V periodiku sa publikujú rozhovory s významnými architektami, popisujú ich projekty a samozrejme prezentujú aktuálne projekty v ktorých boli použité výrobky firmy forbo MARMOLEUM a ARTOLEUM.
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Vizualne vynovené vydanie 45 / 2012 okrem ineho obsahuje:
Focus on architecture/ Urban Nature as public space
Architecture could be considered as the creation of places. This is self-evident in the case of interiors: each function is accorded its “place”, a space in which an activity may take place. For urban space, however, the validity of the assertion is far less obvious. The space between buildings is more and more often a vacuum through which traffic may hurtle unimpeded, a field of fire through which we must rush for cover, or a leftover space which lacks even these mobility functions but which makes anything else impossible. The city has consequently lost much of its livability. Its inhabitants now have little reason to pause in such empty, inert urban spaces; instead they depend wholly on the interiors of buildings.
High Line
New York City, United States
The recently completed High Line, designed by the New York City based architectural firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Field Operations and the Dutch garden designer Piet Oudolf, is a one and a half mile long public park built on an abandoned elevated railroad stretching from the Meatpacking District to the Hudson Rail Yards in Manhattan, New York City. Inspired by the unruly beauty of a postindustrial ruin where nature has reclaimed a once vital piece of urban infrastructure, the new, long, narrow park reinterprets its inheritance. The biodiversity that took root after the High Line fell into disuse was the result of a string of site-specific urban microclimates that existed along the length of the railway, including sunny, shady, wet, dry, windy and sheltered spots.
Madrid Rio
Madrid, Spain
Just outside its historic centre, for a six kilometre stretch along the banks of the River Manzanares, the city of Madrid has buried previously existing traffic roads under the soil. For the resulting traffic-free zone, the Dutch firm West 8 Urban Design and Landscape and MRIO Arquitectos (a consortium of the Madrilene architecture firms Burgos & Carrido Arquitectos, Porras La Casta Arquitectos and Rubio Álvarez-Sala Arquitectos) joined forces to design a master plan. Unlike the plans submitted by other groups participating in the competition, their concept is predominantly a landscape design. This project, which has been largely completed at the time of writing, similarly returns an urban quality to the residents by transforming the riverside area into a public park. It would seem that a park, much more than the street or square, has become the archetypical public space of the 21st century.
Vydanie 44 / 2011 okrem ineho obsahuje:
No category of architecture is more playful or more exuberant than architecture dedicated to tourism. Anything is possible, it seems, as long as it attracts attention and provides a spectacle that yanks the tourist out of the drudgery of daily life and bestows an exceptional experience. The main requirement on the architecture of tourism is be an icon of leisure. It must communicate at a glance the purpose of the building, the kind of entertainment to be expected there, the dreams it purports to realize and the longings it aims to address. This is all bound up with speed and temporariness. A tourist is a traveller and will not stay long; he or she must be seduced in a flash, before it is time to return home or move on elsewhere. It is a strategy that has parallels in the animal kingdom, where a mate must be secured within the bounds of a brief oestrus so that no seductive tactic is too costly to eschew: intricate song, extravagant plumage, bright colours, complex courtship rituals and heady perfumes.
"Why does everything on this world have to be global and international?"
For the architects of Ofis Arhitekti, the context is the core of every project. But there are always many contexts, they say, so it is a matter of choosing which is the context that makes the difference. “Our work has a touch of Plečnik as well as of Le Corbusier.’ The very different temperaments of the architects of Ofis Architects were evident from the start of the interview. This young architectural office in Ljubljana has been attracting attention from the international architectural press with some original, playful, beautiful and conceptually interesting designs for social housing, villas, museums and football stadiums.
Vydanie 43 / 2011 okrem iného obsahuje:
“We want our buildings to have emotion, inspiration and a free spirit.”
“If people remember my shops, they will come back there and buy more clothing.” The Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas was one of the very first to take shopping malls seriously as an architectural challenge. “It is the complexity of the old city that I strive for.” There was a long period when architects took little interest in retail design. They saw it as being too commercial and not the kind of things architects concerned themselves with. The architect Massimiliano Fuksas, director of Studio Fuksas and based in Rome and Paris, was one of the first architects to take retail seriously, as long ago as the nineteen nineties. Why did he decide to design retail outlets and centres in a decade when most architects spurned this work?"
Vydanie 42 / 2010 okrem iného obsahuje:
Ideas drive the designs of architect Steven Holl. In many cases his ideas spring from musical concepts. You move through a sequence of spaces as you move also through a musical sequence. Music is about time, and architecture is also about time. “Architecture surrounds you, in the same way as music surrounds you”.
Vydanie 41 / 2010 okrem iného obsahuje:
Architecture must communicate, and it is the community that is the recipient of this communication. That is how Barbara Holzer and Tristan Kobler see their role as architects. “The way you move through space is what really counts. That implies having a fragmented view of space. For a visitor, there is no birds’ eye view.”
Vydanie 40 / 2009 sa špecializuje čisto na zdravotnícke projekty:
Interviews with Jean Mah, Richard Ahle & Stefan Egelhof and David Page
The interior of several health care projects involving the use of floors and furniture surfacing from Forbo Flooring as form of insiration. The projects are located in various parts of the world and show the many possibilities provided by Forbo’s products.
Prezrite si on-line vydanie 39 / 2009 ktoré okrem toho že mapuje projekty v Estónsku, Dánsku, Ìrsku ale aj projekt školy na Aliaške má aj tento obsah:
Interview with SIR NICHOLAS GRIMSHAW - Sir Nicholas Grimshaw believes strongly in the satisfaction of looking at joints and details. By doing different projects and becoming...
INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS - No other type of building receives such merciless treatment. Architect Liesbeth van der Pol, Ton Verhoeven and Patrick Berger & Jacques...